
Neil Chen
8 min readJul 15, 2021


Photo by Clarissa Watson on Unsplash



Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z47MaBTmd6SuD589hyU9aJsRHI9mD5CK94yVetzToj8/edit?usp=sharing

Unit 1

Who can go into the leading character’s tree house? His friends

Which of the following has a similar meaning to “poisonous” in the story? Toxic

Which of the following has a similar meaning to “relieve” in the story? Relax

Who did the leading character complain to about his enemy? His dad

What did Jeremy’s mother say when the boys went out of the house? Stay out of trouble!

What did the Father ask the leading character to do after the pie was prepared? All of above.

What was the leading character’s feeling when he was asked to spend a day with his enemy? all of above

Who did Jeremy Ross ask for permission, when he was invited to go out and play? His mother.

What did the boys use to throw at the neighbor girls? Balloons

What had been put in the Enemy’s Pie? none of above

Why did the leading character hate his enemy? Because the leading character was not invited to the party.

Who was the leading character’s enemy? Jeremy Ross

Unit 2

What did Stanley do to catch thieves in the museum? He yelled out loud.

Instead of taking an airplane, how did Stanley go to California? Through mail.

What did the doctor say about Stanley’s case? He knew nothing.

What tool did Stanley use to find his mother’s ring? Shoe laces.

Why was Mr. Dart gloomy? Because paintings were stolen.

Unit 3

Which of the following adjectives can be used to describe the leading character’s mother? Tired.

Why can the leading character not tell a sad story about a mother anymore? Because it was inappropriate.

How many things can the leading character not do anymore? Sixteen

Why can the leading character not talk about beavers anymore? Because she wants to live with them.

Why can the leading character not walk backward anymore? Because it was too dangerous.

Why can the leading character not show her underpants anymore? Because it was not appropriate.

Why can the leading character not give cauliflower to his brother anymore? Because it was not appropriate.

Why can the leading character not do reports on beavers anymore? Because it was not appropriate.

Why can the leading character not tell the class that she owned a hundred beavers anymore? Because one should not tell lies.

Why can the leading character not use a stapler anymore? Because she wants to staple her brother’s hair.

Why can the leading character not tell her brother’s fortune anymore? Because she wants to scare her brother off.

Why can the leading character not set something on fire anymore? Because it was dangerous.

Unit 4

Who did the main character show his painting to first? Owl.

Who did the main character show his painting to, the fifth time? Lion.

How did mother feel about the painting in the end? She loved it.

Who did the main character show his painting to, the third time? Rabbit.

What did the main character do at school? Painted his mother.

Unit 5

How many eggs did Beatrice save at school? Four.

Who cooked the dinner for Beatrice? Her father.

What was the favorite food of Beatrice’s pet? Apple.

Which of the following can describe the look of Beatrice? Green shirt.

What was the name of Beatrice’s pet? Humbert.

What was NOT included in the Beatrice’s juggling act?

What did Carl use to do paintings? Green beans.

What did Carl use to play the piano? His feet.

What was wrong with Beatrice’s talent show? She made a mistake.

What was NOT included in the Beatrice’s juggling act? A ball.

What pet did Beatrice keep? A hamster.

What happened to Humbert while Beatrice was juggling? It sneezed.

How did Beatrice NOT feel after the talent show? Intense.

What was Beatrice’s sock selection after the talent show? dot and plaid.

What activity did Beatrice’s best friend ask her to join? Ice-skating

Unit 6

How many schools did Mr. Buckle and his buddy go to? 313.

How many tips were there in total in the story? 101.

What was the name of Mr. Buckle’s buddy in the story? Gloria.

Students at Napville School sent thank you letters to Mr. Buckle. What drawing was on the letters? Gloria

How did Mr. Buckle feel about having a buddy? He felt happy.

What did Buckle do, when he thought of new safety tips? Put them on the bulletin board.

What conclusion did Mr. Buckle draw from his experience based on the story? Always stick with your buddy.

What happened to Mr. Buckle’s buddy when he was on stage alone for a Safety Tips speech? He fell asleep.

What happened to the children when Mr. Buckle announced Safety Tip Number One with Gloria? They stood up and stared.

What did Mr. Buckle buy for his buddy after every Safety Tips speech? Ice cream.

What job did the main character do in the story? Police officer.

Where was Mr. Buckle video-taped by a television news team? Auditorium.

Students at Napville School sent thank you letters to Mr. Buckle. What did Mr. Buckle think of the drawings? Imaginative.

What happened to the children when Mr. Buckle announced Safety Tip Number Two with Gloria? Their eyes popped.

What happened when Buckle shared his safety tips at school at the beginning of the story? Nobody listened.

What was the shape of Mr. Buckle’s favorite thank you letter? Star-shaped.

Unit 7

How did the Rock warrior feel when he was beaten in the story? Happy

Where did the Rock warrior first appear in the story? Kingdom of backyard.

What was the most important feature of the Scissor warrior in the story? Fast.

What happens to the three warriors at the end of the story? Friends.

How did the Paper warrior feel when he was beaten in the story? Happy.

Where did another great warrior, Scissor, first appear in the story? Junk Drawer

What was the most important feature of the Paper warrior in the story? Smart.

Who was the Rock warrior’s second enemy at Tower of Grandma in the story? Apricot.

How did the Paper warrior win his second battle in the story? He blotted out of the Sun.

How did the Paper warrior win his first battle in the story? Paper Jam.

Who was the Paper warrior’s first enemy in the story? Computer printer.

Who was the Scissor warrior’s first enemy in the story? Roll of Tape.

Who was the Rock warrior’s first enemy at Forest of Over in the story? Clothespin.

Who was the Scissor warrior’s second enemy in the story? Nuggets.

Where did another great warrior, Paper, first appear in the story?

Where did another great warrior, Paper, first appear in the story? The Empire of Mom’s Home Office

Where did Rock and Scissor warrior meet and fight? Garage.

Unit 8

Which of the following trees did the main character and his friend climb? Apple tree.

Which of the following best describes the main character’s friend’s feeling after he rode the bike? Sad.

What did the main character and his friend do after climbing the tree? They played in the tree house.

How many times did the main character’s friend jump the rope? One hundred times.

Unit 9

“Jo, Rita, and Victoria looked at Chrysanthemum longingly” because … they thought Chrysanthemum’s name was beautiful.

“She loved the way it sounded when her mother woke her up. She loved the way it sounded when her father called her for dinner. She loved the way it sounded when she whispered it to herself in the bathroom mirror. … Chrysanthemum loved the way her name looked when it was written with ink on an envelope. She loved the way it looked when it was written with icing on her birthday cake. And she loved the way it looked when she wrote it herself with her fat orange crayon.” What do these sentences show? Chrysanthemum thought her name sounded beautiful and looked beautiful.

“It scarcely fits on your name tag,” said Rita, pointing.’ What does the sentence say about Chrysanthemum’s name? It is too long to write on the name tag.

What is the main idea of the book? We should know the power of language and put it to good use.

“And when she was old enough to appreciate it, Chrysanthemum loved her name.” The “it” refers to … the reason why she was named Chrysanthemum.

Which of the following best corresponds to the sentence “Mrs. Twinkle was an indescribable wonder”? Her voice was like something out of a dream, as was everything else about her.

What’s the purpose of this book? To know the power of language and emotions.

Unit 10

“My grandpa and his band were making too much noise, and I couldn’t concentrate.” Which of the following is the LEAST possible source of noise? The noise of watching football games

Who said the sentence “So, why didn’t you do your homework?” Your teacher.

“The neighbors asked if we could help them look for their armadillos.” What CAN’T we know from the sentence? The neighbors are nice people.

What is the moral behind the story? Honestly is the best policy.

Unit 11

Which statement about the little frightened kitten is INCORRECT? The kitten thought that it was pretty.

To get a cat, the old man … walked for a long time to find one.

“They will eat us out of house and home.” What does the sentence mean? The old couple couldn’t afford to feed all the cats.

What happened when the kittens drank from the pond? They drank up all the water.

“So nobody bothered about me.” What does the sentence mean? No cat paid attention to the kitten.

After the old man arrived home with cats, what was the problem he had never thought of? How would they feed all the cats?

“Oh, I’m just a very homely little cat.” When someone or something is homely, they … are ordinary.

Which statement about the white cat, the black and white cat, and the gray cat is correct? The three were equally pretty.

“Hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats.” We know that over the hills … kittens

Why did the cats begin to quarrel? Because they were arguing about who was the prettiest.

Which statement about the old man and the old woman is incorrect? The old couple was very happy about their lives.

Unit 12

Which of the following statements about Harry is NOT correct? Harry liked getting a bath.

What happened when Harry heard the water running in the tub? He hid the scrubbing brush.

When Harry ran away from home, where was the scrubbing brush? It was in the backyard.

Harry did a lot of things and got dirty. Which of the following things didn’t he do? He played with cats.

After the bath, Harry … became a white dog with black spots again .

What’s the main idea of the story? It’s about how a dog learned to love taking a bath.

Unit 13

What is the moral of the story? The mother will always be there for the bunny.

If the little bunny becomes a bird and flies away, the mother will become … a tree.

Which of the following statements is correct? If the mother becomes a gardener, the bunny will be a bird.

Which of the following statements is NOT true? The mother wants to become the wind if the bunny becomes a sailboat because the wind will always accompany the sailboat.

Which of the following statements is not correct? If the bunny becomes a bird, the mother will become a gardener.

Which of the following statements is true? The bunny didn’t run away in the end.

Did the bunny run away? No, he decided to stay.

If the little bunny becomes a crocus in a garden, what will his mother become? A gardener.

Unit 14

If you wanted to add more sentences to this story, which one would be the most suitable? How many legs would there be if a horse joined the party?

Which animal doesn’t show up in the story? A crab.

How many legs would there be if there was only me AND a polar bear came for tea? 6.

According to the story, how many legs are there (including the table)? 174.


